Never take life too seriously; nobody gets out alive.
Received this great email this morning and thought I would like to share with you.
'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.' When G*d takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Great words of advice for your personal journey whether you are losing weight, eating better, getting your health in shape, finding your perfect job, or keeping in contact with old or new friends. If you don't do anything nothing will change. You hear it, you see it BUT do you BELIEVE it.
It takes effort to make change. Now everyone has heard the saying it takes15 muscles to smile and 38 to frown. (Variations on numbers) So why not use less energy and smile! According to SNOPES (isn't the internet great) it isn't true!
Counting only the muscles that make significant contributions, he concludes that smiling takes one more muscle than frowning (12 vs. 11).
My take on it is enjoy life! SMILE! LAUGH! It makes you feel better and everyone around you. Effort or calories!?!?! Does it matter? If you feel better you will do more (and that burns the calories!)
So enjoy life. Go for a walk. Go for a drive - then a walk. See something. Do something. Be the best you can. ENJOY life! The rest will fit in.
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