Motivation versus Inspiration! How does it matter to weight loss?
Someone explained it to me in a way that really meant something to me. Motivation is someone else talking and Inspiration is what I feel ‘inside’ - maybe after listening.
According to Wikipedia they don’t make the distinction. “Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior. Motivation may be internal or external. The term is generally used for humans but, theoretically, it can also be used to describe the causes for animal behavior as well.”
Inspiration may refer to: * Artistic inspiration, sudden creativity in artistic production ... Then it goes on to describe the Muses… ”in Greek mythology, poetry, and literature are the goddesses or spirits who inspire the creation of literature and the arts..”
Interesting! I like the idea of a Muse – goddess or spirit. But I digress!
Someone tells you something and you either accept it or reject it. Whether it is a good idea or not! Now someone says ‘hey you look terrible did you gain weight?’ after you hit them (real or figuratively) you feel rotten. What do you do about it? Often nothing! You feel miserable. So you … sulk and eat! Probably! Go workout? Only in books! So them telling you how to lose weight: What to do? What to eat? Exercise more? Do you listen to them? Probably not! You have to feel it – inside to make it work.
Good thing most people don’t make comments like that. They usually just stop at “… um…how are you feeling? I have this new …. (substitute – treadmill, gym membership, cream, recipe). You should try it! You will like it!” I have probably done it a ton of times as I try new things. We always want to share. Make everyone feel as good as we do. (hey! that is what blogging is all about – sharing!)
So think how it makes you feel when someone says “Don’t you look great?” You stand a bit taller, and suck the belly in and you feel even better. What a great feeling! I love it. Motivation becomes Inspiration. You feel it! You want it! You have taken what someone has said and made it your own.
I have met some people who I have not seen in a long time. Lost weight, toned up (remember it is still my journey and I am not there yet!) and it feels great when they say ‘Wow you look fantastic!’ ‘You look younger’ (okay I am bragging!) and I am feeling great and feel younger. Who would believe exercise and eating right (and losing pounds) would change your attitude. I know you read it but to believe it is different. I know I have not finished my journey but I am on the right road. I know who I am and what I want to be. I am INSPIRED! I read and listen to MOTIVATIONAL speeches and make them mine. It is for me! Time to enjoy life! Be a MUSE!
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