Friday, July 3, 2009

Stopping on the Road!

Sometimes no matter how much you are determined to stick to the road something happens to stop you or slow you down. That happened to me this week. My hand decided it didn't want to work properly. Hey I exercise, eat right, go for walks! The body should do what it is suppose to! My arm had been bothering me for awhile. I had booked the appointment for a massage - my idea of a cure for everything but had to cancel. Gardening seemed to be the final clink. My hand froze! Couldn't move my fingers! Seems I might have tendinitis or / and tight pecs or a variation on that. Lots of stretching recommended. Icing. Heat. The whole bit!
On the good note I did get my workouts in. Thursday a good walk, ab work out - ouch!- and stretching. Friday started at 5:50 am with another full cardio workout just had to be careful with the weights.
So hand in there or 'hang' in there. Success is a wish away!

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