Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Eye Opener Workout

Just finished my Eye Opener Workout. 5:50 - 6:50 and that is morning! Great way to start the day. Finish your exercise before you wake up. I never would get up at 5:30 before so I am now finished my workout or close to it before I have to wake up. Then in to the shower and the day can start. I have no problem getting up at this time now. It does get easier! I even wake up at 5:30 or 6 on the days I don't workout. (ssshh I just go make myself a cup of tea and read for a bit - my time) I know the real athletic would go for a run and I have thought about it. I have even gone for a walk at that time. It is beautiful out there. Early morning is great. Everyone has to find what works for them. But in the winter I got in some reading then. Now I am looking outside it really is a nice time for a walk. Hear the birds. Enjoy the cool of the morning. Maybe tomorrow I will walk first thing.

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