So getting back to exercise... and that is what I am blogging about. My journey to health, wealth and fitness! Still looking for every thing, including the love bit. Had it but lost it somewhere on the journey to wisdom.
Fitness is something you loose. And quickly! I mean you don't use it you loose it - muscles, the ability to jog, swing from a monkey bar,(well some people can do it!). You get the idea. It is some fantastic rate - like 8 % for the first week and increases or should I say decreasing our muscles. (I will look up the stats).
So how do you get muscles? The experts say only 2 ways: growing up and exercising (preferable with weights).

Why do we need muscles? Well to move! get out of a chair! walk! even comb our hair! Everything uses muscles. And if that doesn't interest you what about breathing - our lungs use muscles, our liver, ... well all our orgins are muscles. In the end we all need to exercise - not just to 'get in shape' but to BE. Be the best we can be! The best just to live!
So this is my journey. I am still on it and hopefully will be for a long long time.
Exercise is not something I grew up with but I am learning to like and now well getting there to love. (if you can call it that).
So I bought a gym! Hey where did that come from? (more on that journey in another blog)
I have been on the most interesting journey for the last few years. Some people said "write a book!" Instead I will write a blog of my journey as I remember it. Somethings I still try to forget but hang on and maybe you can laugh, or ... enjoy my adventure.
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